Carleton Place Public Library is a registered charity. We will issue tax receipts for donations of $10.00 or more.
How to Make a Donation
Make your cheque payable to Carleton Place Public Library and mail to:
Carleton Place Public Library
101 Beckwith Street
Carleton Place, On
K7C 2T3
You may also make online donations through
Donating Materials
Carleton Place Public Library gratefully accepts donations of new or gently used books, puzzles, and audiovisual materials. We ask that donations be limited to ten items at a time, and be delivered during open hours.
We are UNABLE to accept:
- Items over five years of age
- Readers Digest abridged books/compilations
- Encyclopedias
- Textbooks
- VHS or audio cassettes
- Damaged, yellowed, or musty materials
All donated materials are property of the library and will be added to the collection, sold, or discarded at the Library’s discretion. For more information, please see our Collection Development Policy.